Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gordon Brown Is...

There's a well known, and rather amusing, partial search phrase that you can type into Google that causes the predictive search engine to produce some (mostly accurate) popular search terms.

I hadn't tried it for a long time until today. It seems that No. 10 has cottoned onto the ruse and they, or more likely their drone like new media activists, have been busily punching "Gordon Brown in a good Prime Minister" into the search engine to get that phrase to appear as a suggestion. The original predictive search suggestions were an accurate depiction of the contempt with which Brown is held by the British people (well, at least by those that use Google). In fact, most of the original phrases still come up, so all is not lost.

Luckily, I have a screen shot from back in May 2009 (that I used for a Facebook wall post) to compared today's with...

May 2009...

And today, with one Gordon friendly addition...

It's good to see them focused on the important things, like this. It's not as if there are any other major issues facing Britain today anyway, are there?

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